Hapkimooyeh Workshop Belgium vs. Germany

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Nice mini seminar by Grandmaster Frankie Lacroix and Instructor Björn Wasseveld at the European Hapkimooyeh HQ. For this mini-seminar, Björn traveled from Germany to Belgium. We saw beautiful techniques and a top performance from the participants.

Hapkimooyeh seminar in Germany

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Title: Soonwald meets Korean martial arts Date: 04/09/2022 to 04/10/2022 Where: Seibersbach, Germany Organizer: Dae Shim Hapkido Hunsrueck Leading Instructors: GM Frankie Lacroix, ITP Udo Oelschlägel From April 9th ​​to 10th, 2022, the first Hapkimooyeh seminar of 2022 took place … Continued